
Weekly Assignments:


September 4 - Come next week with platform speech ideas
September 11 - Decide your Platform speech Idea and come up with a broad outline next week.
September 18 - Continue to follow Daniella's suggestions on "getting that platform started"
We will start interpretive speeches next week. You can review the Interpretive speech rules and ballots for next week.
September 25 - Look for a piece of literature to use as an interpretive speech
October 9 - Finalize your pick for an interpretive speech
October 16 Keep working on your platform and pick out a piece of literature for your interpretive speech. We can work with individual questions in club time. We will start Apologetics.
October 23Bring your platform and Interpretive speech selection. Bring your Apologetics question research to share.
October 30 Bring your platform and Interpretive speech selection. Bring your Apologetics question research to share.
November 13 The day starts with Impromptu speaking. Bring your researched Apol question. We will be dividing up and working on Platforms and Interp speeches.
November 20 The day starts with Impromptu speaking. Bring your researched Apol question. We will be dividing up and working on Platforms and Interp speeches.
December 4 We will be coaching speeches. Please be ready do impromptu, your platform and interpretive speeches and to present your Apologetics question response,
December 11

Limited Preparation Speech

*Be ready to grab an Impromptu prompt and prepare a speech or Apologetics question first thing when coming to club.
8Keep working on Apol cards, and practicing Impromptus from the previous week.


*Debate assignments are made in class

  • November 20 will be our last Debate Class.